MTG Arena, the digital version of Magic: The Gathering, is an excellent method to learn the game. While there are other methods to learn, such as playing with friends or visiting your local game shop (LGS), many people find MTG Arena a handy and accessible choice.
This article will go through the many methods for obtaining cards as well as how to redeem coupons for free packs and gems. We’ll also go through how to complete missions and daily, as well as how to use the Mastery Pass to get extra prizes.
Redeeming Codes
MTG Arena offers coupons that may be redeemed for free packs and gems regularly. These coupons may be earned by attending events, viewing streaming, or following official social media accounts, among other things.

To redeem a code, go to the store and input the code into the redemption box. The code will then provide the user with free packs or gems, which can be used to buy more cards or participate in events.
Quests and Dailies
Completing missions daily is the first way to gain money in MTG Arena. Every day, players are given a new task, which might range from casting specified spell colors to assaulting with a specific quantity of animals. Completing these tasks grants players gold, which they may use to buy packs or enter events.
Players can also accomplish dailies, which are miniature versions of missions that are refreshed on a regular basis. These daily tasks can be accomplished up to three times in a row, providing a lower payout than quests. Completing quests daily is an excellent method to earn money over time.
Maximize Wins
Winning games is another method to gain gold. Players get gold for each victory, with more gold rewarded for longer win streaks. In addition, players may score up to 15 victories every day, which provides extra goodies like cash, gems, or cards. Furthermore, players may score up to 15 victories each week, earning them experience points (XP) toward their Mastery Pass.
Mastery Pass
The Mastery Pass is an optional purchase that gives players additional XP payouts. The Mastery Pass is divided into levels, each granting a prize such as a pack, a card, or diamonds.
Completing tasks daily, winning games, and completing the weekly win reward all earn XP. Every level takes 1000 XP, and there are 100 levels in the Mastery Pass. Completing the Mastery Pass can result in valuable cards, packs, and gems being awarded to players.
Finally, MTG Arena is a fantastic method to learn how to play Magic: The Gathering. There are several methods to earn free cards and other prizes. Completing quests and daily, winning games, acquiring the Mastery Pass, and redeeming vouchers are all excellent methods to accumulate items without spending money.
Taking advantage of these possibilities allows players to swiftly accumulate a collection of valuable cards and gems that can be utilized to build formidable decks and participate in events.